Pig Salt

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Pig Salt

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How can salt to a guinea pig?

I need to know this for a 4-H project. Thanks!

Let me repeat what other single person seems to be aware of - Guinea pigs do not need too much salt! It is a common mistake. The only "Extra", you need a guinea Pig is vitamin C, you should get fruit and vegetables. Some people use liquid Vitamin C can be added to water, but the jury is still to be seen whether this is a good idea or not, because it messes with the taste of your water and is not as reliable as vitamin C "fresh" products. But once again - hay, vegetables, and pellets should be the only items to feed a pig, no salt needed! =) Good luck with your project!

Food preservatives

Most foods contain natural enzymes or chemicals such as acids or alcohols are starting losing the desirable characteristics almost immediately after harvesting or preparation. In addition, a number of environmental factors such the heat and the presence of micro-organisms, acts to change the way food products that could damage the food product. Traditionally, conservation foods, has three goals: preservation nutritional characteristics, preserving the appearance, and an extension of time that food can be stored. traditional conservation methods generally aim to exclude air, moisture and micro-organisms, or for environments where the organisms may cause damage can not survive.

Old people are known for having the nuts, vegetables and meats. Pemmican Amerindian and unequal consumed by campers and hikers are now ready for drying. The drying process include smoking, that can effectively add antibacterial agents. Dehydration and freeze drying methods currently used in the production of foods such as powder coffee and soup, variations in drying. Among the first curators of sugar and salt (NaCl), which produces food environments high osmotic pressure that bacteria refused aqueous environment they need to live and reproduce. Jams and jellies are preserved as solutions of high sugar content of flesh of fish and many (eg, hams) and salted preserved. Unlike other organisms, fungi are often resistant to the effects of concentrations of salt or sugar in foods. Fortunately, it rarely causes disease.

The first air sampling methods, including sealing in food containers (bottles, for example), or coating of food contact surfaces with hot paraffin. The invention of canning by Nicolas Appert preparations permit commercial food products. In response to a prize offered by Napoleon in 1795, Appert developed a method of packaging and preservation of fruits and vegetables glass containers for sea voyages His method has been used commercially in 1910 by Peter Durand in England, the use of cans. During the early days of canning, some people (Including some Arctic explorers), probably died as a result of lead exposure used for sealing boxes. Modern techniques of elimination include air and vacuum using a film plastic.

With cooking kills most bacteria, stopping or freezing retard bacterial growth and changes in food food caused by enzymes present in food. Unlike the slow freezing foods at home, freezing Fast food processor can keep more of their natural appearance and flavor. chemical preservatives include free radicals (also known as antioxidants), such as vitamin C and compounds such as BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), and inhibitors of bacterial growth, such as benzoic acid, sulfur dioxide, and nitrite sodium (NaNO2). Ethanol (CH 3 CH 2 OH) was used as a preservative, both of itself (as in wine), and other foods (fruits stored water of life). Some may be harmful chemical preservatives, sulfur dioxide (often used to preserve wines) is irritating to the bronchi of people have asthma, and nitrites have been implicated as carcinogens.

After Louis Pasteur demonstrated that was the presence of bacteria that cause food to spoil, there was a tendency to consider all the harmful microorganisms. But in fact, the action microbial is responsible for the production and preservation of certain food. The action of microbes is a part of the production of cheese and some flavoring agents. Sauerkraut is both prepared and maintained by lactobacilli and yeast to ferment sugars, producing alcohol, which can add flavor to beverages and contribute to their conservation. Nitrates are a common conservation processed meats.

Food irradiation has the advantage of allowing food packaging and preparation in which there are people without contact, food, reducing the risk of contamination and reduce the need for chemical preservatives, some of which may be harmful. ionizing radiation used to irradiate food, where food is exposed to explosions of high intensity X-rays or electron current, alter the bacterial DNA. Some people were opposed to irradiation food due to a fear (unfounded) of radioactivity. Such as pathogens such as virulent strains of coliform bacteria have caused food poisoning, irradiation of animal carcasses and particularly during the preparation of the hamburger has become more desirable. Irradiation extends in fact the life of foods such as strawberries. Irradiation does not make food radioactive, but can cause changes in the color or texture of foods.

Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is an anti-scorbutic. Scurvy is a disease that ranks as potentially The second most important nutritional deficiency, after the PEM. Scurvy, once common among sailors, causes bleeding and inflamed gums, tooth loss, poor wound healing, joint pain, loss of muscle mass, etc. The structure of vitamin C is simple, resembling an monosaccharide, and most animals can synthesize ascorbic acid. Only primates, Guinea pigs and fruit bats lost the ability to synthesize. Vitamins are organic molecules that mainly function as catalysts for reactions in the body.

Vitamin C soluble in water and very important for all human beings because it is vital for collagen production. In the cell, which contributes to the formation of a precursor molecule called Procollagen "which is then packaged and modified into collagen outside the cell. Collagen is a substance similar to glue that binds the cells forming tissues. It is the most abundant fiber in connective tissue. The connective tissue gives the form body and support their bodies.

Vitamin C is also important because it helps protect fat-soluble vitamins A and E, and acid oxidation fat. Therefore, it is a reducing agent and scavenger of free radicals (radical sink). Radicals, molecules with unpaired electrons, are very harmful for the body as a result of its high reactivity, which can induce mutations and possibly cancer. Vitamin C is an excellent electron source, so it can donate electrons to free radicals such as hydroxyl and superoxide and quench their reactivity.

There is a debate on the anticancer properties of vitamin C. However, current data suggest that the major benefit of ascorbic acid on cancer may reduce cancer risk, rather than therapy. Vitamin C can work inside cells to protect DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) the hereditary material of cells, damage caused by free radicals. It can also reduce the development of nitrosamines (amine group linked to NO) nitrates, chemicals that are commonly used in processed foods. Once formed, nitrosamine can become carcinogenic (cancer causing).

Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges, limes, grapefruits, and vegetables such as tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, and many other: many. On admission Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 60 milligrams per day. Some studies suggest that doses higher per day, especially for the elderly, women, and patients. For example, the late Linus Pauling, best known for his theory of the chemical bond and a Nobel laureate twice, consumed several grams of vitamin C per day during the last forty years of his life and lived until the age of eighty-three.

About the Author


Dr. Badruddin Khan teaches Chemistry in the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers