Ceramic Love Hug

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Ceramic Love Hug

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Ok. Let's dance. What is the best thing your best friend ever do for you?

When my medic Navy Baby went over to Iraq, my best friend came over with cheetos, diet 7up (my favorite) and a bamboo plant in a cute turkey ceramic vase. She stayed for hours and let me talk about how proud I was of my daughter, my love for her and my fears. I will never forget it.:-)

What say you?


oh me..
i think my best friend
did that was cool was stay on the phone with me till i stop crying when my kinda first boy firend i kind liked broke up with me
he actually broke up with me in front of her in the school ground in front of all my friends which was embrassing if you ask me...

and my friend mom wanted to take me home that day but i said no and she give me flowers and they called me when i got home and asked me if i was ohkay and i burst into tears and she talked to me help me through her and her mom(my second mom)

it was like forever till i stopped...
and they conforted me even after that..
and we had fun talking about things
like how i was free to flirt again and
mess with other guys..
it was nice to know that she stand by my side becasue it was the first time i ever showed my tears or the first time she ever heard me cry....
and she hugged me all the next day at school and conforted me there too....

that week of school was terrible but i made it through with my best friend......
and she was always there...
even that time that idiotic boy(ex boyfriend) kissed me and i almost cried...

she is such a good friend...
or was......
i wont forget that week......


Energetic, stubborn, almost always looking for problems and get bruises and cuts that make you panic, but does not bother me not much. Who am I talking about? Of course, I speak of a growing child, full of malice and love of life, a child who can not stop the escalation of its berth on the wrong track, and trying to jump out of it like a monkey!

Each time you try it, shrug and get ready and try to dissuade him from doing so. It may even be good enough to quit for a while but can not prevent a child from a unique person. It will do so again, no disrespect to you or disrespect for the rules, but because as a child is increasingly free rein to their energy. They are full of curiosity and the danger resulting from the fall is the last thing on his mind.

I do not want to scare them, but do not want get hurt either. So what to do in this situation? Make his room as safe and less prone to injury as possible. A thick blanket difficult, but children are covered most of the bare soil surface in your room is your first choice.

The fall discovered the hard ground can seriously harm anyone. Children are inherently more difficult. Their bones are still forming and your muscles are flexible. However, doing their best to avoid injury is the first priority in the minds of all parents. To cancel the order for a time and invest in a solid strong and well padded room coverage for your children toddler. If your child's room has hard floors, the rubber mat should be a support to prevent slipping. A zebra rug is thick and smooth add dynamism to the room of every child.

Children love animals and attract solid models and appeal to their sense of clear vision. A drawing in black and white can go with any dà © cor and look good with almost any combination of colors. Even if you do not want the Kids rugs provide cushioning and protection is always good for cover your carpet. Your carpet will own frequent costly spills and damage a. a boy or a girl is subject

Are the walls of your child's room all white or ivory? Take my suggestion. Painting a main wall in jeans or your favorite color (they have heard and corrected a thousand times. Hey, if they like something they love with all your heart and grammar is the last thing on their minds.) Put a border wallpaper baseball or other sports model that your child loves children and throw hard but soft carpet - you get this big thank you hug and smile really happy his heart began to sing. Your child will love rugs for children and CDR dà © as the most expensive in the world.

Browse online or in stores and have many offers and options. Jump to a model, size and so that your child likes and would be grateful. Do not go for colors clear and difficult to maintain the material. A carpet of the child must be the first child of friendship and nothing more later.

Looking for a strong, tough but soft kid rug for your boy's room, visit http://www.rugexchange.com/zebra-rug.html Browse all you can - they have loads of varieties and a very broad price range.

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