Chef salt and pepper shakers

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Chef salt and Pepper shakers

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Where can I find a brass / copper towel?

I am looking for a brass / copper towel. go with my mother salt and pepper. for his birthday. I can not seem to find one. Bed Bath checked ... and beyond the catalog of the head. anyone know where I can find one? thanks

Copper towel: towel Brass:

Culture change makes its way into nursing homes and other centers of long-term care for the nation and one of the most innovative interesting cultural change is in the department of nutrition. Some people believe that cooking was one of the most neglected and underestimated in the long-term care. But no more! Many institutions that implement the person-centered care when entering in culture change in the kitchen because it can lead to significant improvements in the quality service of food. Everyone rejoices great food and how food is served, and these changes are very visible to residents, their families and crew. Also opportunities are endless and the possibilities of regime change.

Hippocrates was the relationship between diet and health over 2000 years. He said: "What food be your medicine. " Food is an important component of health and nutritional aspects as well, food has the power to heal and comfort people. Food is also a powerful symbol of food, love and celebration. However, the food has to be attractive and desired. It must serve to make it more attractive for people. Uneaten food has no nutritional value and simply wasted. Remember that often, meals are often the highlight of the day of our residents.

One objective of making dietary changes is to introduce the concept of "home" as possible dining experience. Think of your own home. You can find and take a snack anytime. You can make a meal for you or fill family. You can drink what you want when you want. You can put in a pot of fresh coffee, make tea, a glass of ice water or anything else that you want. You can have dinner with his family watching television, reading or talking on the phone with friends. He made a grocery list, hang on the fridge, anyone can add it, and then go shopping. Like the choice of foods to eat, advice residents to choose their own menus. The choice of food ethnic groups are also important considerations.

Another goal of making changes in your diet is to offer flexible meal times. In person-centered care, the point is deinstitutionalise lunch and dinner. To help residents sleep later in the morning, we develop systems to serve meals to our residents in time choose to eat. We must be more flexible in how we think in foodservice. And as residents come and go may have to adjust our food services. Many LTCFs have decided to implement flexible meal schedules as follows: breakfast is offered from 7:30-9:30 weekdays and maybe a little later on weekends, lunch is served 11:30-1:30 and dinner is served between 4:30 am (for early risers) to 6:30 pm for those who prefer later. Flexible meal times offer a choice and freedom to the residents and makes just the best experience of food because they can choose when they prefer to eat.

A Another aim of changing food service is to be innovative and creative in how food is served. Some of the most common styles of restaurants used in long-term care include buffet dining style, restaurant-lounge-style dining, room service 24 hours, and free access to food. These models offer more choices to residents and can make mealtime more pleasant. Buffet dining table style is a hot steam in a central area (dining room) or placed in various locations in the facility (ie, in each unit or wing). Many institutions indicated that the buffet works very good for breakfast. Restaurant-dining style can be used in the main dining room and employees working in the dining room may result in trousers and black jackets kitchen to create a restaurant atmosphere. A restaurant-style menu is placed at each table and residents whatever wish. The menu can be changed once monthly, quarterly or seasonal. Much equipment have always offered room service, but perhaps have never called room service and said that was available 24 hours per day. This is a nice feature for residents who prefer the night and sleep during the day. It is also good opportunity for visitors to the family who work odd shifts and visit their relatives during the evening. And finally, all residents, family and staff can have access to snacks 24 hours a day through the creation or construction of small, open kitchen in the center. And not only titles with snacks healthy. Stock with residents and families want.

Other innovations include dinner in a private room for special occasions halls Dining with a comfortable and warm bread, a biscuit and baking all day to create a more welcoming atmosphere and exciting food, replacing 4 top tables with tables to eat more than people seat 8 or more, natural lighting or lighting attractive salt and pepper sauce spicy and sugar placed on each table and a kitchen complete with microwave, refrigerator, coffee machines and storage space for snacks.

Nutrition services are important in the long-term care and cultural change provides excellent ideas on how to become more innovative and creative with food and how it serves. Food is essential to life and kinds of food and how it serves must improve quality of life for residents of long-term care.

James H. Collins, Ph.D.

Jim Collins, Ph.D. has developed and presented continuing education seminars and workshops for over 16 years and has taught college courses in Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology and Gerontology for over 15 years. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Gerontological Studies, Master's Degree in Sociology, a certificate in Gerontology and Life Span Development, and a Ph.D. in Health Care Administration. He has owned and operated a Geropsychiatric Practice, a nursing home consulting company and is proud to be a part of the Provider Services, Inc. family of rehabilitation and long term care facilities in the great state of Ohio.

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers