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How Photoshop model Margarita Glass?

I've seen pictures of them before, and I know it's very doubtful I find a glass of Margarita large before Saturday. I have a photo shoot on Saturday, the photographer wants to bring her a glass of Margarita, lime, a vibrator, salt .. work. And OT will require a photo of the glass and then take a picture of me and a picture of my boutique inside the glass. Its for a calendar Local. However, I found some pictures too Margarita kind of glasses on Photobucket and wondering if there is a program where you can save these and Photoshop myself in them. Any suggestions? And you may also someone send me some examples so you can see in advance how to shut down?

What you describe could be done in the camera if your camera allows double exposures. It is also something old darkroom. Jump to and click on AIRC (Adorama Imaging Resource Center) and then click SFX Photography. You can find instructions on how to double or multiple exposures in Photoshop.

The idea of change is positive for most doctors. Changing habits and workflow can be a very frightening for physicians. Training in any new system can be a daunting process.

Consequently, many doctors are expanding and looking for the perfect records electronic health makes every effort to apply. It's almost like the Holy Grail. However, in the meantime stay in the routine inefficiency continues writing or dictating notes.

Unfortunately, not only handwritten notes and recipes very inefficient, which are notoriously illegible. According to the Institute of Safe Medication Practice, illegible prescriptions resulted in more than 3 million prevent adverse drug reactions in the U.S. each year

In addition, since the documentation requirements for reimbursement of physicians have become increasingly stringent, illegible notes may lead to results substantially reduced. Also can activate the time consuming audits that ultimately resulted in costly fines and repayment of arrears to the taxpayers. This adds another layer of potential problems for doctors who follow traditional methods.

Electronic medical records have emerged as a means of addressing these concerns. In fact, federal authorities recently announced a program scheduled for early 2008 that encourage physicians to incorporate electronic medical records in their practices. The program offers financial incentives for physicians to Medicare for the change to electronic medical records and provide Government updates on markers of quality improvement for their patients.

Despite fears among doctors resist change records EMR electronic medical software can be found with a small learning curve to facilitate a smooth transition. Some questions to ask yourself when you start your search.

EMR is an intuitive?

You do not want to spend weeks or months courses in a new system. All EMR software has a learning curve, but some are more intuitive than others. The best EMR software will be one to be taken quickly to minimal training and enables you to create more detailed notes with less effort. The ideal system should be capable of being integrated into the daily workflow in your clinic a few weeks rather than months.

The right EMR solutions should save time. The old adage "Time is money" applies in this situation. You do not want to just 100 steps to create a simple note visit. In Instead, they want an EMR software that streamlines the process and graphic as possible. Some EMR programs require many steps to create a score that is like a salt grain fill, both.

If you choose the wrong EMR software, inefficient and learn to use the new system may actually overcome the inefficiency of current non-EMR system. Look for software that offers a free trial, you can give it a test drive and see how easily learn and use it before spending much money on him.

Do you have customizable templates that eliminate redundancy?

With personalization, can document their notes and patient records with the words and the format you prefer, instead of to use words and format with the software. Many programs offer comprehensive EMR templates for all users. This "one size fits all" mentality means that everyone uses the same models (ie, the same words) to describe the different patients.

The result could be called by the graphical approach - trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Some doctors have described the notes as "vending machines." EHR systems customizable templates you can create notes using their own words and style, and thus more accurately their thoughts.

Having customizable templates means you can save and reuse some frequently used expressions, forms, descriptions of procedures, revenue, etc., so you do not need to be re-entered manually each time.

Many EMR software programs do not allow much in the way of user customization. In these cases, if the customization is still available, should be made by the software company and is both too costly and time of implementation.

This is another reason to test the system before committing to a specific program. Well designed EMR software should allow you to customize prescriptions, templates, chart format, follow up letters and after care advice. Options printing of these items should also be customized, but simple and without problems setting with minimal support.

Does your software Multimedia EMR allow attachments?

Research EMR software allows you to attach multimedia such as photographs, x-rays, scanned documents and records ECG their patients. A picture is worth a thousand words and can describe the lesions and other clinical findings much more precisely than words.

Photographs document changes may also be more accurate and efficient over time in subsequent visits. Having scanned ECG Attached to the surveys makes it quick and convenient way to examine and compare with previous ECG with a few mouse clicks, you can have all the information you need for your patient.

Not all EMR software is equal. Accuracy, efficiency, intuitive and cost are key factors to consider when choosing an EMR software. If you make the right choice, will soon be using electronic medical records and to ask why it took so long to make the change. If you keep waiting and seeking the Holy Grail of EMR software that will only prolong inefficiencies and weaknesses and potential risks of current methods.

About the Author

Jeffrey C. Gersbach is the CMO of Medamation, Inc., developer of EMR software by doctors, for doctors. They offer EMR product lines for solo practitioners, small clinics and hospital emergency departments. Stop waiting and start charting today. Visit them online at for a free EMR software trial.

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers