Monkey Salt Pepper

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Monkey Salt pepper

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>>>>>> POLL: D <<<<<<

What's your favorite soup? Do you think you evolved from monkeys? Are you a good driver? Do you like salt or pepper better? Do you have something glow in the dark? Do you like bowling? What put on your hot dog? If you were an item from a vending machine, which is the number or letter? (D4, for example) The last time I bought a new pair of shoes? favorite radio station? What is something you would not give? [:

What's your favorite soup? Pumpkin! Do you think it evolved from monkeys? I can not move because i was perfect right from the start. Are you a good driver? Awesome Do you like more salt or pepper? Sal nothing either own gloss on the dark? Also required, but no idea why. Do you like bowling? Yup, of course! What you put on your hot dog? The sauce, mustard, and stuff! If you were an item from a vending machine, what would your number or letter? (D4, for example) A1 The last time buying a new pair of shoes? As ageeeeeees no favorite radio station? The Rock! What is something you do not give it? distance.

Retailers are not always perfect judges of what will sell in a particular location or during a particular season. Seeing literal Truckloads of new goods arrive on a regular basis as a store manager, I found myself wondering what buyers were thinking about more than one occasion. The monkey candle holders Ceramic is a good example. The daily joke in a shop has been another store is best seller. The owners of the silver-plated Cigarette tarnished three times and were reduced to a dollar before they sold because they predate the cigar smoking craze. The worst are masses of candles that hung around so long, bumpy and dusty, they have lost their scent. The foregoing, and multitudes of souls nameless, has completed the clearance.

But chickens are another story.

Walk through almost any home interiors or decorating store and you're bound to discover a whole separate department dedicated to chicken on the subject merchandise. Even if you do not a chicken lovers decoration Take a look at what the human imagination can not make a birdie. There are statues of chicken in all forms and sizes, some standing alone in a relatively natural state, we met some in small groups to spend eternity wearing as human beings of the 19th century. There are bookends chicken doorstops and china. Windshield glass, vacuum cleaner covers and tablecloths all have their Chickenland central place. Do you have a whole chicken salt and Pepper shakers? Does your friend has a piece of chicken Serveware? Chances are good that you or least one or two of your friends have brought a friend from piles and miles of products available in this pattern. Because, like my friend who still works as a manager Retail said: "You do not see chickens in clearance. "

After pondering that bit of wisdom for a while, my mind passed the examination in which we place value in our culture, and how interesting it is that chickens ourselves as a design tool in our homes. Later in my reflection, I recall all the comparable Jesus said to help the disciples and the crowds that followed him from place to place, understand the concept of the kingdom of heaven. How can you make something so vast and glorious, and yet so real and so poignant at the disposal of all but a people crushed by the brutality of the Roman Empire? Jesus' response was to frame this jewel in stories that led to his shine both to shine and be held dear to their hearts. Thus, in one of these comparable Matthew Gospel tells us: "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls, who, to find a pearl of great value, went and sold everything he had and bought it. " (Matthew 13:45-46)

Perhaps there is a link to, and a new dish to write for our modern culture to grasp the idea of this thing called the kingdom of heaven. Perhaps the kingdom of heaven is like a woman in search of fine decorative chickens, which in a Research Chicken of great value, went and sold everything she had and bought it. Perhaps there is no greater treasure. Perhaps it is for why you do not see many chickens in clearance.

About the Author:

As an ordained minister, Rev. Kemp has worked in both pastoral and educational ministries in several congregations. Her ministerial background and love of writing have combined to develop Creating Women Ministries, a website dedicated to encouraging theological dialogue, particularly among women, through workshops, journaling and personal spiritual discernment. Her book, You Don't see Many Chickens in Clearance: Essays on Faith and Living, is available for perusal or purchase at Visit Creating Women Ministries at: for the e-book edition. Questions? Thoughts? Musings? She can be reached by email at:

Article Source: - You Don't See Many Chickens in Clearance

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers